Distance Covered by Madurai to Kodaikanal Cab
The distance covered by a cab from Madurai to Kodaikanal is approximately 115 km, although it may vary depending on your chosen route. The time taken for this journey depends on your driving speed and any stopovers you choose to make along the way. There are numerous spots along the route where you can take a break and refresh.
Madurai to Kodaikanal Cab Booking Fare
There are various car rental services for Madurai to Kodaikanal trips, and when you book through One Drop Taxi, you can enjoy exciting discounts and offers. For a one-way trip, Madurai to Kodaikanal taxi fares start from INR 2999. The cost of booking an outstation cab may fluctuate based on factors such as the date, time of your journey, and the type of car you select for your travel from Madurai to Kodaikanal. Additionally, you can also book a Kodaikanal to Madurai one way taxi through One Drop Taxi.
Madurai to Kodaikanal Car Rental Services
No matter the time of year, you can find a cab from Madurai to Kodaikanal to suit your needs. Tailor your travel package to match your preferences. Beyond cabs, explore various taxi options at different price points. One Drop Taxi offers a reliable car rental service with a variety of choices to enhance your journey. Depending on your requirements, you can book a hatchback, sedan, or SUV. The platform lists various car models, including Swift Dzire, Ertiga, and Innova. You can even review the ratings of each cab and learn about the driver's profile. All the drivers featured on the One Drop Taxi portal are courteous, well-trained professionals committed to ensuring a smooth journey.